The repository widget shows the commit information about current page, it’s useful for users to view or edit the source code.


This widget relies on the .GitInfo, so you’ll need to either enable it via the --enableGitInfo flag or setting the enableGitInfo as true in config.toml.

1$ hugo --enableGitInfo
1enableGitInfo = true

Site Parameters§

repo.urlString-Required. The URL of your public repository. GitHub and GitLab are supported.
repo.branchStringmasterThe branch name.
repo.subPathString-The sub path of content.
repo.dateFormatString02/01/2006, 15:04:05 PMThe format of commit date.


The repository widget is disabled by default, you’ll need to include widget via Hooks.

For posts layout.

1{{- partial "docs/repo" . }}

For docs layout.

1{{- partial "docs/repo" . }}